Armstrong Trails Mission
“Armstrong Trails will protect and convert railroad corridors into trails for public use, thereby providing opportunities for commuters and outdoor recreational activities. Our projects will maintain the integrity of these corridors for future transportation use while acting as an economic stimulus for the area communities.”
Trail Rules & Etiquette
- Open from dawn to dusk
- Use at your own risk
- No unauthorized motor vehicles
- Pack in, pack out
- Respect our neighbors, do not trespass
- Do not approach wildlife
- Park in designated areas, you may be towed otherwise
- Access trail in designated areas
- Hunters were orange and so should you (October-January)
- Report maintenance problems or hazards to 724-822-7176, please include north or south of nearest mile post#; photos are very helpful.
- Helmets are recommended and law for 12 years and under
- Keep to the right, except when passing
- Announce “passing on your left” when approaching another trail user
- Stop, look and listen at road intersections
- Pets must be leashed, it’s the law
- Clean up after your pet
- Pick up after your pet and dispose properly
- Speed limit 15 MPH (E-bikes permitted, see OMPD)
- Horses are not permitted on the trail throughout the entire corridor. No exceptions.
Respect Private Property
Armstrong Trails is generally about eight to ten feet wide along a clearly visible crushed limestone or paved surface.
Please DO NOT stray from the trail onto the private property of adjacent landowners. This includes crossing live railroad tracks at the southern end of the trail.
Healthy and helpful relationships with these landowners are vital to our ability to maintain the trail. Trail users who trespass, or who do not observe common sense in areas where car traffic crosses the trail, jeopardize the ability of the rest of us to enjoy our community resource. If we want to have good neighbors along the trail, we need to be good neighbors when we are using the trail!
- Helmets are recommended
- Keep to the right except when passing
- Alert others when passing. Announce “Passing on your left”
- Adjust speed to weather conditions, traffic, & ability
- Stop, look, and proceed with caution at each road intersection
- Speed limit 15 MPH
Pet Owners
- Leashes are mandatory. All pets must be on a leash at all times
- Always remove animal waste from the trail and dispose of properly.
Horseback Riding
Due to the narrowness of the trail right of way in many areas of the trail and out of respect for adjacent land owners and other trail users there are currently no designated areas for horseback riding along Armstrong Trails. Horseback riding on the regular trail surface is prohibited due to the potential damage to the trail.
Camping in any area along the trail requires a permit from ARMSTRONG TRAILS (724 822-7176)
- Camp only in designated areas
Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices Policy
In accordance with the US Department of Justice (DOJ), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Armstrong Trails adopts the following policies concerning individuals with mobility impairments for all the Trails under the ownership of the organization. To accommodate mobility disabled persons:
- Wheelchairs and similar devices built specifically for mobility disabilities are allowed.
- Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD), not specifically designed for mobility disabilities, may be used by individuals, provided;
- Motors on electric devices are 750 watts or less
- Devices weigh less than 100 pounds
- Devices are no more than 36’ wide
- Devices have fully operating pedals
- No internal combustion devices.
- Speed limit 15 MPH
Trail Specifications
GRADE | Maximum 8% grade for 20 to 30 feet/typically 1% – 2% |
CROSS SLOPE | Average 1.5% |
TRAIL WIDTH | Minimum – 6 feet; Typical – 9 feet |
SURFACE TYPE | Typical – Firm compressed limestone; asphalt surface areas include: Ford City Borough and Kittanning Borough |
The 52.5-miles includes one share-the-road section (.1-mile on a low volume township road) north of Phillipston, be sure to continue into East Brady for refreshments. The Brady Tunnel is open to the public, and the northern 5-miles is fully connected to the southern miles. *Note: currently to doors remain closed to protect our large investment from the winter weather. You may open the man-door and travel through the tunnel to the northern end, please close the doors behind you. Lights are planned for the tunnel by Spring 2025. Bring a light, it is extremely dark.
Armstrong Trails is fully open.
Healthy relationship with our neighbors is vital to our ability in maintaining the trail. The corridor passes through private property, the corridor is generally 66-feet wide but narrower in places, please stay on the trail corridor and respect our neighbors and do not trespass.