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Celebrate Trails Day

Leechburg Towpath Link-Up: A Trailblazing Bash!


Come join Leechburg Borough, Leechburg Area Community Development Corporation, and Armstrong Trails at Riverfront Park Gazebo, for a day of celebration! We’re bringing the community and trail users together for a trailblazing bash that you won’t want to miss. Get ready for a ribbon cutting celebrating the completion of the Leechburg Towpath, and the connection to mainline Armstrong Trails. Whether you’re a long-time resident or just passing through, this event is the perfect opportunity to connect with others and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Mark your calendars and spread the word – the Leechburg Link-Up is where it’s at!

*Riverfront Park Gazebo-Event location-71 River Avenue, Leechburg. PA.

Parking Options-be prepared to walk or ride to Riverfront Park Gazebo

Coordinates for lots:

3rd 40.626734, -79.608049

Hicks-40.625761, -79.604031

Public A-40.627418, -79.607046

Public B-40.626415, -79.605227

Merakey-1 Kiski Ave., Leechburg

*Armstrong Trails shirts will be available for purchase.

Hang out in town or ride to Schenley, Ford City, or beyond.

This 52.5-mile long, non-motorized rail trail located along the former Allegheny Valley Railroad corridor along the eastern bank of the Allegheny River and northern banks of the Kiskiminetas River in Armstrong, Clarion, and Westmoreland counties is on the main spine of the emerging 270-mile Erie to Pittsburgh Trail. Rich in local history, trail users will find remnants of villages, iron furnaces, train stations, a coaling tower, tunnels, an 1899 railroad bridge, and a railroad turntable along the trail. Flora and fauna blossom and bound along the trail, creating a colorful and lively show throughout the seasons.

The 52.5-mile corridor is open for use and has been improved with crushed limestone or asphalt surfaces. The Brady Tunnel is OPEN, enter through the man-doors and bring lights.

**Please note crossing the live tracks on the southern side of the Kiskiminetas Bridge to access the Tredway Trail is not only UNSAFE but ILLEGAL. Crossing live tracks is trespassing and a federal offense.

Upcoming Events

Celebrate Trails Day

Leechburg Towpath Link-up
Please register for planning purposes